Tuesday, September 14, 2010


We've been very busy lately so I haven't had time to keep up with my blog.

e're still waiting! Thankfully my body is acting normally, even if I'm not pregnant yet :) Hopefully I'll have good news to share sometime soon.

RSV has been on my mind lately. Last year Peanut was almost in total isolation (no public places, no kid interaction, etc.), got monthly Synagis vaccines (antibodies to fight against RSV), and he didn't get sick at all. I know this year we need to find some balance. He needs social interaction; so do I.

The doctors say that we should "be very careful but not too strict" (so that he doesn't get RSV but so he can have some exposure to build his immune system).

I wish I could invent a germ strainer to sort out all the RSV vs. Non-RSV germs.

In all seriousness, they do think he'll probably be okay if he gets RSV, but it could be very serious for him still.
We will be laying the ground rules starting in October...

...in the mean time, I'm going to take Peanut to the Children's Museum for the first and only time this year before the germies hit.

p.s. He has his 4th (or 5th? I lost count) cold this summer! He's almost over it aside from coughing (which sounds nasty when he gets into coughing fits at night, but the doctor listened to him and said he's okay and at 95% O2 saturation). He's handling each cold better, only one puke this time. :)

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