Monday, August 23, 2010

NICU Picnic

This past weekend we took Peanut to the NICU picnic. It's an amazing event. All of the doctors, nurses, hospital staff, NICU graduates, and their families are invited. There are rides, animals, trains, food, you name it.

Peanut had an absolute blast this year. He got to see his NICU "roommates" again. They are all walking and doing so so well. Peanut was born the earliest of them all. He isn't the smallest now (he is probably the tallest, actually!!). He is the last to walk, but we all KNOW he can walk, he's just stubborn. But hey, that's why he's here.

It's amazing is you look around and you see little miracles everywhere. It's amazing to think a lot of these kids went through what Peanut went through, and to see them laughing, running, and having fun.

I can't imagine what it would be like to be a NICU nurse or doctor and to save babies every day. They are such angels. It's such an interesting field to me, but I think it would be incredibly emotionally draining at the same time. Part of me wishes it was my calling, but it clearly isn't :) Kudos to these people that are amazing at what they do.

I feel like I owe them so much. I want to give back in some way. That's something I need to ponder.

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