Monday, August 23, 2010


I'll be 12 dpo tomorrow of our first cycle TTC.

I'm normally a patient, rational person. I'm an engineer for heaven's sake. I think logically. I like data and statistics.

I'd like to ask myself WHY I feel so darn impatient about this. It is statistically unlikely that I'll get pregnant our first cycle. It is not logical to expect that. I have no reason to be impatient. I have an adorable toddler that keeps me insanely busy.

I do not feel pregnant at all. With Peanut, I had one sign - I was sore. I don't feel sore. I'm hoping to be pleasantly surprised tomorrow.

I'm trying to remember what my husband keeps telling me. That this will happen when it's meant to happen and we'll have fun in the mean time. He always know what to say when I need him.

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