Saturday, June 12, 2010

How it started...

I have PCOS. I was diagnosed in high school and it was controlled with birth control pills until my husband and I wanted to have a baby.

The doctor gave me 2 options - I could take clomid or Metformin. I thought about it and decided I wanted to correct the root problem first, and was fearful of multiples, so we tried Metformin first.

I started on a very healthy, low sugar diet. I tried to exercise, get enough sleep, and do everything in my power to help my body ovulate. I charted for the full year, hopeful that I would some day see a temperature spike.

If anyone is curious, this is the diet I used that year while on Metformin. Note that when I say "diet", it was not my intention to lose weight (as my weight is already a healthy mid-range weight), but to get my body/hormones/insulin on track.

-Tried to incorporate protein in every meal. (So for example, eating toast with peanut butter instead of toast with butter!)

-Eating low sugar foods such as:
Trader Joe Natural Peanut Butter with no added salt (Sooo tasty and I hate Jiff now!)
Trader Joe Low Sugar Jelly
Home made yogurt (It's amazing how much sugar some store bought yogurt has)
Home made granola (low sugar, easy to make!)

-Swap out all white bread/rice/pasta for whole wheat whenver possible

-Avoid all desserts, coffee drinks, sugary cereals, etc.

-Enjoy snacks such as peanut butter on celery, almonds, fruit, string cheese, home made granola (low sugar, healthy) on home made yogurt

-Drank 2% milk. I've read that whole milk is better for fertility, although being a Skim drinker I couldn't handle that, so I settled for 2%!

Finally, after a year of trying, and after 3 months of increasing the dosage of Metform to 500 mg twice daily, I ovulated and got pregnant that cycle. It was ironic considering I still hadn't had a period all year :) Seems a little crazy, so I thought "this is our miracle baby"...little did I know how true that was going to turn out to be.

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