Thursday, November 3, 2011

Overdue - He's here and healthy!

Baby boy arrived at 35w4d, perfect, healthy, and NO NICU time!!!!

He arrived in May (WHOOPS)!

My TAC held tight the entire time (cervix always measured 4-5.5 cm!), baby boy was schedule early because of a really awful rash I developed - it wasn't clear what it was exactly and they were worried it could be harmful to the baby.

Baby boy was 7 lb, 1 oz. Pink, healthy, crying, perfect.

He spent a week in the intermediate nursery for some A&B's, blood sugar issues, jaundice, and feeding. Overall, he did great.

Having a healthy baby is just awesome. I got to hold him the 2nd day after birth (we were both too sick the first day) and that was awesome. My stay was extended in the hospital so he got to leave with us.

When you've had a sick baby, you don't take for granted a single "normal" thing. Everything is a miracle.

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